Farmland Preservation Program: DATCP to contact each person whose application was not processed by July 1, 2009 and determine if the person still wishes to participate then process the application under laws prior to July 1, 2009, agreement is limited to ten years -
Act 374
Farmland Preservation Program, credit, and tax relief revisions; planning and zoning provisions; accessory use allowed [for section numbers, see entry under ``Farmland preservation"] -
Act 28
Foreclosure reconveyance and foreclosure consultant regulations created; stay of eviction action provision; DATCP and AG duties; JRCCP report [Sec. 558, 717, 848, 849, 851, 852, 9357 (1), (2)] -
Act 2
Home-prepared or home-canned acidic fruits or vegetables sold at community events or farmers' markets: exemption from food processing plant license requirement; income, labeling, and DATCP provisions -
Act 101
Honey: DATCP to establish standards for selling as certified Wisconsin honey; labeling prohibitions and damages provisions -
Act 169
Land and Water Conservation Board's responsibilities and authorities: DATCP, DNR, and the board to investigate; report required [Sec. 9103 (4i)] -
Act 28
Locally grown food in school meals and snacks: DATCP to promote and provide grants, DPI duty set; Farm to School Council created, report required; FTE position
Act 293
Seed labeling, amount of noxious weed seed in agricultural and vegetable seeds, and designation of noxious weeds: laws revised; Wisconsin Crop Improvement Association certification of weed free mulch, hay, and straw [Sec. 184, 1978-2019, 9103 (3), 9403 (1)] -
Act 28
Soil and Water Resource Management Program bonding authority increased [Sec. 653] -
Act 28
Soliciting purchase of goods or services by unsolicited delivery of a document that appears to be a check or money order payable to recipient prohibited, exception and conditions specified; DATCP authority and forfeiture provisions
Act 150
State Fair Park Board membership modified -
Act 69
Telecommunications requirements: funding for DATCP revised; PSC to assess in proportion to gross operating revenues; consumer protection assessment extended to commercial mobile radio (wireless) and landline telecommunications providers [Sec. 179, 2460d, 2476] -
Act 28
Unpasteurized milk for human consumption: registration requirements for sale of created; sunset and emergency rules provisions [vetoed] -
Veterinary clinic at which pesticides are used or repackaged: certain DATCP permit requirement eliminated; Veterinary Examining Board prohibited from requiring training and continuing education re pesticide use and disposal
Act 139
Weights and measures program changes re vehicle scales and liquid petroleum gas meters [Sec. 178, 2038-2068, 9103 (1), (2)] -
Act 28
AFDC collections repayment to federal government; TANF revenue adjustments [Sec. 483, 484, 498, 1226, 1227, 1235, 1236, 9408 (2)] -
Act 28
Child care allocations, kinship care funding, allocation for public assistance program fraud and error reduction, and W-2 cash benefits allocation and state agency contract and administration services; funding for Milwaukee and statewide child welfare information systems reduced [Sec. 477, 478, 497, 996, 999, 1193-1200c, 1228-1232, 1238-1241, 1243-1250, 9408 (4)]
Act 28
Child support distribution change and pass-through; SSI and caretaker supplement [Sec. 1155c, 1156, 1369c, 1370, 1371, 9308 (8d), (9), 9322 (7), 9408 (13d), (14), 9422 (12)]
Act 28
DCF funding re AFDC, Milwaukee child welfare, and TANF; ombudsman and LAB audit provisions [Sec. 1233, 1234, 9108 (8u), 9131 (2f), 9208 (1), 9408 (12), (13)] [9108 (8u), 9131 (2f) — vetoed] -
Act 28
Air emission permit revisions re fee and term of permit [Sec. 268, 269, 272, 286, 289, 2633-2643, 9437 (4)]
Act 28
Diesel truck idling reduction: statutory authorization restored, grants from petroleum inspection fund; provision re ARRA funding; sunset provided [Sec. 217f, g, 3013 p-s, 9110 (11u), 9137 (3u), 9210 (2u)] -
Act 28
Indoor Environmental Quality in Schools Task Force: State Superintendent directed to establish; DPI, school boards, and MPCP duties -
Act 96
Development zones, enterprise development zones, agricultural development zones, technology zones, and airport development zones consolidated; LAB audit required [Sec. 1, 2, 42, 89, 112, 136, 159-164, 180, 201-206, 222, 224, 758, 760, 761, 764, 766, 768, 776, 780, 781, 801-846, 9110 (4), (5)]
Act 2
Alternatives to prosecution and incarceration for persons who use alcohol and drugs and grants to certain county with highest crime rate: OJA grants [Sec. 572, 9101 (3), (4)]
Act 28
AODA appropriation account [Sec. 896] -
Act 28
Byrne justice assistance grants for Robert E. Ellsworth Correctional Center and the Drug Abuse Correctional Center: one-time funds utilized [Sec. 9101 (6q)]
Act 28
Group health coverage of nervous and mental disorders, alcoholism, and AODA: specified minimum amounts of coverage removed; referrals to nonphysicians, deductibles, out-of-pocket limit, and providing certain information to insured upon request provisions; equal coverage requirement exceptions -
Act 218
Insurance coverage of services provided by licensed mental health professionals: laws modified; provisions re grievance resolution, patient rights, and treatment records [Sec. 1424g, 1427r, 1431d, 1443f-k, 2995p, 3137r, 3197r-t, 9326 (9q), (10q)] [2995p — vetoed] -
Act 28
Juvenile correctional services provided by counties and nonprofit organizations: DOA and Corr.Dept to conduct comprehensive review; to include description of AODA and mental health services; youth counselors from the state's three schools to participate [Sec. 9111 (2k)] [vetoed]
MA services provided by licensed mental health professionals: definitions, funding, and requirements revised [Sec. 1305r, 1321r, 1323c, 1443m, 2995sm, 3137r, 9422 (12r)]
Act 28
Restorative Justice Programs, Inc., in Barron County: OJA grant and sunset date provided [Sec. 572g, h, 9101 (13f), 9401 (4g)] -
Act 28
Urine collection for drug testing purposes: restrictions created [Sec. 156n] -
Act 28
Alcohol beverages consumed in public places: prohibition exception for event at and sponsored by private colleges -
Act 395
Alcohol licensed premises in a public park within a 1st class city: customers permitted to bring in and consume beer and intoxicating liquor purchased elsewhere -
Act 128
Bulk transfers of inventory: Uniform Commercial Code provisions repealed -
Act 110
Class ``B" and ``Class B" permits for tribal applicants: DOR required to issue [Sec. 2318em, it]
Act 28
``Class B" license: municipal quota exception for full-service restaurant on a golf course in Bayfield County, fee and special provisions applied -
Act 73
``Class B" license: municipal quota for certain localities modified [Sec. 2318g-im] -
Act 28
``Class B" licenses for capital improvement areas; TID number 3 within City of Oconomowoc enumerated as a capital improvement area; sunset provided [Sec. 2318fm, ip]
Act 28
Heritage Hill State Historical Park events: alcohol beverage licensed caterer may sell at [Sec. 2318e, f]
Act 28
Intoxicating liquor manufacturer or rectifier permitted to sell or provide free taste samples directly to consumers for consumption on or off the premises; licensing, DOR, and winery permit provisions [Sec. 2318j-x] -
Act 28
Smoking prohibitions: designated smoking area prohibited in public places and places of employment, exceptions specified; certain existing exceptions eliminated; smoking in private clubs, sports arenas, and bus shelters specifically prohibited; enforcement by person in charge required; definitions; local ordinance provision re public property and entrance to certain establishments, such as restaurants
Act 12
Tribal tax refund and sharing agreements expanded; use tax credit for purchases made on Native American lands [Sec. 1815, 1841, 1841b, 1848, 2338, 2401, 9443 (8), (14q)]
Act 28
Group health coverage of nervous and mental disorders, alcoholism, and AODA: specified minimum amounts of coverage removed; referrals to nonphysicians, deductibles, out-of-pocket limit, and providing certain information to insured upon request provisions; equal coverage requirement exceptions -
Act 218
Food processing plant and food warehouse investment credit created; Comm.Dept cannot certify if the taxpayer has hired an alien [partial veto] -
Act 295
Resident tuition eligibility for certain aliens re TCS and U.W. System; filing of application for permanent resident visa required [Sec. 743, 751, 9348 (3), 9354 (1)]
Act 28
``Stephen Ambrose Memorial Highway": portion of USH 12 in City of Whitewater designated as, contributions from interested parties provision -
Act 172
Bradley Center Sports and Entertainment Corporation: grant provided; DOA to review plans for capital maintenance and repair [Sec. 19i, 640, 655r, 657f, 9106 (1)(j), (10)]
Act 28
Film production tax credit program changes re new refundable production services and company investment; provision re salary, wages, and non-labor expenses; ``production expenditures" and ``accredited production" defined; electronic games approved by Comm.Dept included; report required [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Income tax — Credit"] -
Act 28
Animal health program: DATCP to set license fees by rule; reinspection fee permitted; provisions re fish farm and farm-raised deer premises [Sec. 2021-2036] -
Act 28
Biotechnology and manufacturing research: sales and use tax exemptions created for machinery, tangible personal property, and equipment and personal property used in raising animals sold to biotechnology business; ``animal" defined as bacteria, viruses, or other microorganisms; JSCTE appendix report [Sec. 1851, 9443 (12)] -
Act 28
Bobcat permit processing fee increased [Sec. 695, 696, 9437 (5)]
Act 28
Emergency management: chap.166,
Wis.Stats, recodified -
Act 42
Fur-bearing animals: revisions re possession of green skin; selling, buying, bartering, or trading certain animal carcasses; metal identification tag on traps; DNR provisions
Act 38
Animal health program: DATCP to set license fees by rule; reinspection fee permitted; provisions re fish farm and farm-raised deer premises [Sec. 2021-2036] -
Act 28
Animal slaughter fee created, to fund meat safety inspections and animal health programs; may not be on per-head basis; funding for animal health inspection; testing and enforcement to be from agricultural chemical cleanup fund; meat and poultry inspection provisions [Sec. 177, 180f, 2037r]
Act 28
Dog sellers, animal shelters, and animal control facilities: licensing requirements created; standard of care, penalties, and DATCP duties -
Act 90
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